Some New Pages, Modification Of Focus

As you will note from the “In 2023, The Elites Formalized The Return To American Terror” page, things have not gone so well. A lot of what is on this site is not so useful immediately (although it is useful as a vision statement or way of showing where we are trying to go).

Consequently, although I still have some pages to publish and likely will add or even do some revision – certain things I have been working on, and would consider as necessary for a complete policy portfolio, such as an optimal taxation policy (hint: it involves refundable sales taxes) are so far away from being advisable (in this case because you are essentially extending more credit to an American imperial government running massive debt as it arbitrarily cancels student loans) that it’s not worth specific work time (vs. e.g. you are stuck inside, hit by inspiration, etc.) to work on it, vs. straightforward political activism to fix problems.

That is to say – at this point the platform is set: balance the budget, win the wars, prompt and complete enforcement of the just law. Other things have to build on those.

Grinding Away

You might notice that I’ve been updating a lot of pages this year, but most of them are editorial, not really content. New content does appear depending on my inspiration and/or time level.

Pushed A Large Number Of Pages

Over the last two years, the two areas in which I clearly improved my understanding were romantic relationships, and education. Moreover, the hostile actions of Beijing East Asia in at least covering up (if not indeed engineering the bioweapon) COVID, and the recent actions by the Russian military, obviously require changes to recommended policies.

To address these, I updated the Voter’s Guide – Total Process Selection to have relevant detail; added a number of education pages; and also added one or two pages relating to sex and relationships. (Though in this latter, please let me be clear – I added about sex and relationships because I have the willpower to tell the truth as I see it in a very important area of human life, not because I am an expert.)

I also pushed a number of pages about technique in law and a wide variety of other topics, particularly as it relates to citizen law enforcement and due process – obviously hot topics in the last two years, but they have been problems for a long time e.g. in Baltimore, Chicago, etc. and always have been worthy of improvement.

My next step is to take another round of simplification and overall update edits if I can. There now are ~140 separate pages, not counting A Plan That Can Work, and you know that I am conscious about the sheer amount of content, and its organization. Having pages full of good material and references like this, some of which you can’t find elsewhere (at least easily), isn’t as helpful if you have to constantly re-read everything to realize where everything is.

Posted Many 2020 Pages

It wasn’t the most prolific year per se, but some things got understood, and committed to writing. There’s more to come, particularly on education.

Some Relatively Quick Edits

Across a wide variety of pages. Most were relatively minor but I did heavily update a couple of pages that got way out of date. Also I pulled back a couple of things that really needed to be reordered, that lost focus.

IMO, most importants to deal with next: need to update the V1 platform spreadsheet example to V5, need to review all the checklists and categories/classifications of roles in economies etc. and unify them, updating the source pages accordingly (e.g. later metaphysics pages are way out of sync with spreadsheet decision model).

A Bunch Of New Pages Added

Although I tried to place them in a better grouping, there still are elements of duplication that need to be removed, and certain documents that need to be updated. But closer to the ideal.

Added 2020 Voter Spreadsheets, Promoting Content To Live

Sort of contradictory: you put tons of voter spreadsheets out that you didn’t completely fill out, yet you hold onto other documents you put a lot more thought into, for months and now you finally are getting around to reviewing them for publication?

As for the voter spreadsheets, I don’t need personally to fill out all the columns since after gathering the information, I already can cull it down and rank for myself (and an individual must rank according to their own value system). That is consistent with the better examples I previously completed – I’m not advocating you unnecessarily spend time filling out portions of spreadsheets when the decision has been made. The only caution is to do a quick sanity check on major items. Most of the spreadsheets were done as development work for the template, to make sure it is complete and easy to use (and significant changes came out of this last round). I don’t belong to either major political party so the primary is mostly irrelevant for me. If the decisions were close, of course I would invest the necessary time either to determine the rank order, or to realize that I wasn’t going to be able to make a strict ordering.

As for the other documents I intend to start publishing…I don’t like to publish right away, even if that means I queue up a bunch. I want to try and keep the amount of material you have to read as low as possible, given other demands on your time. That, and the usual editing considerations. If anything, I will try and grind down content further over the next year, again to save your time.

Migrated To New Hosting

For a variety of reasons but mostly because I need to make as much time as possible to focus on content creation vs. managing the IT of the site. I have tested at least some links, things as currently seem to be in decent shape but stuff could of course be broken until I completely have re-checked all items.