Any “how are you doing today?” or similar request about feelings. Two reasons:
– First, half of the time I’m distracted and don’t even have enough of the information processed to give you a correct answer in a timely fashion.
– Secondly, any answer that is negative will immediately cause people to start inquiring as to why, which completely derails the conversation and in general causes us to talk about things that can’t be immediately changed or dealt with. (Also, see “self-harming questions”, and the criminalization of mental health generally.)
Any matter that involves hostile activity against the enemy, or any matter that would reveal hostile activities against the enemy, or lying to the enemy themselves. Historical analogy: if I were planning some sort of action against the Nazis, then I’d be willing to lie to you about the action, as well as anything I was doing in preparation, execution, or clean-up that would reveal such hostile actions or implicate me or my associates.
Certain matters that relate to criminal or socially taboo activities, where the type of activity is fairly routine, usually low-stakes, and where disclosing it would cause repercussions (e.g. imprisonment) that effectively single out individuals for punishment that most people would not encounter. Example: reporting underage drinking where no other anomalous behavior is occurring.