As you will note from the “In 2023, The Elites Formalized The Return To American Terror” page, things have not gone so well. A lot of what is on this site is not so useful immediately (although it is useful as a vision statement or way of showing where we are trying to go).
Consequently, although I still have some pages to publish and likely will add or even do some revision – certain things I have been working on, and would consider as necessary for a complete policy portfolio, such as an optimal taxation policy (hint: it involves refundable sales taxes) are so far away from being advisable (in this case because you are essentially extending more credit to an American imperial government running massive debt as it arbitrarily cancels student loans) that it’s not worth specific work time (vs. e.g. you are stuck inside, hit by inspiration, etc.) to work on it, vs. straightforward political activism to fix problems.
That is to say – at this point the platform is set: balance the budget, win the wars, prompt and complete enforcement of the just law. Other things have to build on those.